How to get a flight upgrade

How to get a flight upgrade   I keep seeing headlines on social media that read.- What to wear to get a flight upgrade?. And every time I read things like this, I cringe. After working in the airline industry for over 20 years. I know I can say that this is total rubbish. The truth is that airlines have a pretty straight forward system for giving out upgrades. It has nothing to do with […]

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The reason for high altitude flights

cheap flights

Why planes fly at 35,000 feet Planes fly at high altitude and actually the policy is the higher the better. One of the main reasons behind aircraft altitude is that. As the air gets thinner planes can travel more easily and therefore move faster and burn less fuel. Therefore saving money. The “sweet spot” of flying is regarded as between 35,000 and 42,000 feet .The airline industry still uses feet as its standard measurements. Too high […]

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